
Tosm started playing Team Fortress 2 on June 9th 2014. At first he enjoyed playing spy and would main this class for about a year before picking up sniper. A few months before the Gun Mettle Update Tosm was maining sniper but as a Huntsman only player inspired by one of the YouTubers he watched. When the update was released he unboxed one of the new sniper rifle skins  worth $30.00 USD at the time. This is what started his transition away from using Huntsman.  Around this time he started watching sniper frag videos on YouTube. One of the first videos he saw was the original Auto-Aim Frag Video featuring B||oodSire and JH-AA-. The players he watched the most were Leaky, Konr, and ThaZu. After seeing these videos he would become interested in competitive TF2. 

His first season was season 19 of highlander in the Iron division. This team didn’t last long so he didn’t play much. He then would take a few seasons off from competitive and then come back for seasons 21, 22, 23 in the Steel division. Season 23 was the season he took a bit more serious since he wanted to learn sniper unlike the previous seasons where he didn’t know much about competitive TF2. Tosm was performing as you would expect for a sniper newer to the comp scene. He wasn’t too great and would perform consistently for a steel level player. This season didn’t end well though. Towards the middle end of the season he would be replaced by another sniper. This player would start performing extremely well in scrims and because of this he would take Tosm’s main spot on the team. What makes this situation interesting is that the player who took his spot ended up cheating during scrims and was then banned from UGC. This resulted in Tosm getting his main spot back but left him feeling “cheated”.  This team would place 16th in the division. 

Tosm would again take a season break and not come back until season 25.  Tosm would try out for a new team in Silver called Home Depot eSports as well as play for an ESEA open 6v6 team during season 27 called Hugs and Kisses. This season of highlander was a lot different from the last one because Tosm was performing extremely well for a new move up sniper and his team placed 4th by the end of the season. As for the ESEA team he was on they would place around mid open and he stayed on this team for seasons 28 and 29. After getting 4th place in highlander he considered moving up into the Platinum division but before that could happen a new platform named RGL was introduced. This league would offer prize money for winning teams unlike UGC which had been the leading league for NA highlander. Tosm would again step down from maining on steams and instead sub for a few different teams in the Advanced RGL division. 

Throughout the next few seasons Tosm would half main or sub for Home Depot eSports as well as lead some Prolander 7v7 teams and get second place in Div 2, first place in Div 1 twice, as well as a third place in Div 1. He also would play 2 more seasons of ESEA open on NAV eSports as well as 1 season of RGL main with them as well. For season 2 of 6v6 he played on a main team called Beast Mode and got second in the division before again stepping down from competing due to college, work, and loss of interest in the game. Currently Tosm is playing for Home Depot eSports as well as another 6v6 main team. 

On November 21st 2019 Tosm was invited to Auto-Aim by Leaky-AA-. While Tosm didn’t feel like he deserved the spot he still accepted and thanked him for the invite. When asked why he was invited Leaky told him he believed he was a good player as well as liked the interest he had in the group as well as sniping history. Tosm had realized that the invites to Auto-Aim had been going down in prestige and skill which explained why he was invited without being a veteran sniper or playing in the top divisions. On January 4th 2020 he would talked to BarraCuda-AA- on steam and apply for admin. The reason he did this was because he wanted to see the group be brought back to life and not lose its prestige. He also wanted to show his worth as a member in another way since he hadn’t yet become a player deserving of a spot in the guild. He was promoted to admin and quickly got to work on inviting members who had been overlooked and looked into other regions where Auto-Aim members were lacking such as Australia. Tosm wanted to make Auto-Aim more popular and respectable so he focus inviting players who deserved the spot and also removed a few players in the group who were cheaters or people who had lied to admins to get invites. He also created the Auto-Aim Twitter and YouTube channel to help promote the guild. He also is the guy who is working on this website. 

“Hopefully Auto-Aim can live on for years to come and continue to grow its name  and continue to be the greatest sniping guild in the world. Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this journey”  -tosm-AA-

Info Box
Game: Team Fortress 2
Started Playing: June 9th, 2014
Date Recruited: November 21st, 2019
Recruiter: Leaky-AA-
Rank/Division: Invite
Other Aliases: Matrix, Rain or Shine,